As the cloud is revolutionising the way the world consumes, transfers and stores data, Google is organising a three-day Google Cloud Next 2017, beginning today. It will discuss the changing contours in cloud business and technology.

Thousands of developers, partners and customers of Google have arrived here to attend the event. Google Chief Executive Officer Sundar Pichai, Alphabet Inc. (the holding company of Google), Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and Diane Greene, Senior Vice President, Google Cloud, would address the keynote sessions. Over 200 sessions have been lined up covering a wide variety of issues that have cloud as a backbone.

Cisco has predicted that cloud-based IP traffic would shoot up by four times in the next five years, witnessing a compounded annual growth rate of 30 per cent till 2020.

Global cloud market is dominated by Amazon followed by Microsoft, IBM and Google. With the cloud business expecting to grow significantly in the next three years, Google will roll out new cloud offerings during the three days.

Some of the issues slated for discussion include Cloud Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Migrating to Google Cloud Platform.

IT research and advisory company Gartner has recently pegged the public cloud services market to grow to 18 per cent in 2017 to touch the total $247 billion mark. In 2016, the market stood at $209 billion. It felt that cloud adoption strategies would influence over 50 per cent IT outsourcing deals by 2020.