Google has been coming out with a doodle every day since the FIFA World Cup began. And on Tuesday, it came out with a doodle featuring Paul the Octopus. 

A click on the doodle will take the user to the first match of the day featuring Belgium and Algeria. 

Tuesday’s World Cup match doodle depicts a visibly confused Paul the Octopus sitting on the clouds with a halo on his head attempting to predict the winner of the match (Belgium vs Algeria). Paul is seen scratching his head. 

The Google logo is written in two parts on either sides of the animal. 

Paul the Octopus achieved celebrity status during the 2010 Football World Cup when he made several predictions. 

An aquarium keeper presented him with food kept in two boxes marked with the flags of the respective teams playing on that particular day. The box from which he chose the food represented the winner.

Paul passed away in 2010.