Google on Wednesday celebrated Halloween with an animated interactive doodle. Halloween is an annual celebration in several countries on the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' (October 31).

The doodle featured a haunted mansion numbered 13 with scary and bizarre creatures around it. A crow is seen hopping from one end to another over the roof of the haunted house. And in an attempt to bring in the "fright" element, a creepy music plays in the background.

When a user clicks the first door of the mansion a blue one-eyed octopus opens the door which also stands for the letter G of the Google logo.

The second door is opened by a pair of eyes coloured in red and yellow thus forming the letters 'O' of the logo.

A click on the third door and a ghost in a veil pops up who stands for the fourth letter 'G' of the logo.

L is represented / interpreted by a strange creature seen behind a window pane guarded with iron rods.

E, displayed by the last door of the doodle brings up a creature with an apparently scary smile.

A skeleton is seen flying in the air and jumps into action when clicked on it, a cat jumps out of the dustbin and runs through the doodle screaming and jack-o-lanterns lie on the doorsteps all to crest the scary impact of the Halloween.

Typically, Halloween parties include costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns and children going around the neighbourhood dressed as ghosts, ghouls and other scary mythical / supernatural creatures seeking candies or playing pranks.

Halloween is believed to have pagan roots. It is also thought to have been influenced by Christianity.