Google+ gets a makeover

Mahananda Bohidar Updated - March 12, 2018 at 09:03 PM.


Each company has at least one project it is especially partial to.

Take the Apple Newton, Microsoft Surface, the TouchPad for HP or Google Wave in the virtual world. Apart from the faith that the companies had in these products, there was another thing in common –all these products bombed.

But, by the looks of it, Google is not giving up easy. They have revamped the user interface on their social networking platform Google+.

The launch of the service last year was preceded by a lot of hype. Invite-only sign-ups added to the desirability quotient in the first couple of months. But, once on board, people didn't really seem to find much use for it.

In an attempt to get the eyeballs back on their screen, Google has re-hauled Plus' interface. The new layout blows up your pictures and videos posted, something Facebook has already adopted a while ago as a means to grab attention. All the ‘Apps' find a place in a neat bar to the left. In true Twitter-style there's a list of trending topics you can access from the Home page.

‘Hangouts' – one feature on Google+ that held a lot of potential – gets its own dedicated page. Google+ users can now sift through and connect with hangouts happening all over the world.

This means you can quickly watch and join in on every public ‘On Air' hangout and get to connect with someone new or even watch a live broadcast. The company is already working ‘Hangout' apps to supplement the video service.

Apart from these, you also have a direct access to Games featured on Google Play that might give SNS-addicts more reason to stay hooked on to the site. So, those who quit the Google+ bandwagon early might want to give it a second chance for what it's worth. Hopefully, it's not going to crash like the Wave did.


Published on April 12, 2012 17:03