Google Meet will now let users co-present Slides, extending the functionality to multiple users in a meeting. According to a blog post by Google, a primary presenter can assign participants to co-present slides. The feature lets the co-presenter see the audience, and control and navigate the presentation.

This comes after the tech giant revealed that its generative AI chatbot Bard AI would help individuals write code and develop software. 

The Google Meet function eliminates the need for a middleman to handle slides for a presenter. The functionality is rolling out in phases and will be available to all in the coming weeks, Google has confirmed.

Meanwhile, Google has announced that it will let users switch off individual feeds in Meet. “You can now turn off the video feed from other participants during a Google Meet call. This can be helpful in situations where you want to focus your meeting view to just the presenter or hide participants with distracting video feeds,” Google said in a blog post. According to a report by The Verge, users can activate it by opting for “audio only” when joining a meeting, currently available only on mobile devices for now.