Google has launched a programme to train young professional developers and cloud computing professionals, in partnership with NIIT Ltd

The programme, Google Web Academy, is aimed at bridging the digital skills gap in India and creating “high-quality, Google-qualified” talent pool for the online industry.

NIIT will be Google’s first partner to offer specialised courses through its centres across the country, while Google will provide the training curricula and certification standards for the advanced training programmes, a Google release said.

The Academy, initially launched in India, would subsequently be introduced in other emerging countries as well.

Mr Rajan Anandan, Vice-President and Managing Director, Google India, said, “As the Indian internet market continues to show robust growth, we believe a capacity building programme is the need of the hour. Google Web Academy is part of our initiative for emerging Internet economies.”

The courses offered by NIIT will include certification programmes for online professionals. It will cover topics such as search engine marketing, optimising online presence with web analytics and enhancing business productivity with Google products and technologies.

Later, the companies would also introduce technical courses for IT professionals and developers and cover topics such as building new Web and mobile applications using Google technologies, Web optimisation — bandwidth and loading performance, introduction to cloud computing and others.