Search engine giant Google on Wednesday said the company will develop products for the next billion people in India.

Sundar Pichai, Chief Executive Officer of Google, in a keynote session here said the company would provide Internet access to as many people in India as it can through projects such as public Wi-Fi with the Indian Railways and project Loon.

"By end of 2016, 400 railway lines will be connected with Railtel and our engineers are working right now to start the first phase with Mumbai Central in January," Pichai said.

He said project Loon will also help connect rural areas. He said the company's goal is also to connect women in India as less than one-third of the country's women population has access to the Internet.

The company has already started teaching women in 1,000 villages in the country how to use the Internet — helping them get online — and over the next three years, Google will reach out to three lakh villages as a national programme, he said.

Pichai said the company will also bring more local languages for its Android One operating system to grow its user base in India, from seven languages right now.

Similarly, for Youtube, it will add more languages, from 10 currently.

As the company would require more engineers and centres to grow the Indian operations, Google will invest more and also hire more engineers for its four centres in India, Pichai added.