The Government today issued guidelines for the second round of spectrum auction which is expected to fetch around Rs 45,000 crore to exchequer from airwaves sale.

The guidelines, however, did not mention about the timeline for starting auction and related dates.

The Telecom Minister, Kapil Sibal has earlier said that the auction is planned to start from March 11 onwards.

In the second round of auction, the government will put unsold GSM spectrum in 1800 Mhz band and airwaves held by telecom licencees in 900 Mhz band that is coming for renewal starting 2014 onwards.

The Government slashed base price of CDMA spectrum by 50 per cent and unsold GSM spectrum by 30 per cent. The price of spectrum in 900 Mhz has been fixed at two times the price of airwaves in 1800 Mhz.

The auction guidelines said auction for 1800 Mhz and 900 Mhz band, currently being used for GSM services, will be conducted simultaneously and auction of 800 Mhz band, being used for CDMA services, in 21 out of 22 service area will be conducted separately.

In 1800 Mhz, the government will auction 12 blocks of 1.25 Mhz each in Delhi and Mumbai at 30 per cent less price compared to the amount fixed for November auction.

The base price for each block in Delhi and Mumbai has been fixed at Rs 485.15 crore and 474.92 crore.

In Karnataka and Rajasthan only 8 blocks will be put for auction for Rs 231.08 crore and 46.96 crore respectively.

There will be also provision to provide 3 blocks of additional spectrum in case demand arises for the same.

The Government will auction 12 blocks each of 900 Mhz spectrum band in Delhi and Mumbai and 10 blocks of spectrum in Kolkata.

The Norwegian telecom firm Telenor has shown its interest in bidding for Mumbai circle.

The guidelines said telecom companies winning spectrum in the auction will be allowed to use airwaves for any technology within scope of their licences.

Existing players, however, will have to get their entire spectrum holding converted in to liberalised spectrum to remove restriction on use of technology.

Successful bidders will be allowed to use spectrum for period of 20 years for telecom services, the guidelines said.