Competitors at one of China’s top hackathons, the Tianfu Cup, have cracked some high-profile targets using original new exploits.

Competitors at the event are challenged to break into top software and programs using unique exploits. At this year’s event, teams were able to hack into 11 out of 16 top targets, which included Google Chrome, Safari, FireFox, iPhone 11 Pro+iOS 14, GalaxyS20, Windows 10 2004, Adobe PDF Reader, Docker-CE, VMware EXSi, Qemu, CentOS 8, TP-Link and ASUS Router, Tianfu Cup said in a tweet.

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According to a report by ZDNet, the hackathon saw participation from 15 teams of Chinese hackers. Contestants were given three five-minute tries each to hack into a selected target using an original exploit.

The teams received monetary rewards for each successful attack. The amount of the reward was based on the target and the vulnerability type.

All exploits used by contestants for the attacks were reported to the software providers to comply with contest regulations. Security patches for all the bugs demonstrated at the event will be provided over the coming weeks, as per the report.