Cybersecurity experts have found that hackers use content creation and collaboration platforms to launch phishing attacks, duping unsuspecting users into scams.

“The content creation platforms have millions of users worldwide. The analysts found that attackers are sending out emails from these platforms, featuring legitimate-looking posts, designs, and documents, but with embedded phishing links,”  Saravanan Govindarajan, Manager, Threat Analysis at Barracuda, said.

People who click on the links are directed to fraudulent login pages or other deceptive sites intent on stealing sensitive information, such as login credentials and personal data. 

“The increase in phishing attacks leveraging trusted content creation and collaboration platforms highlights a shift in cybercriminal tactics towards the misuse of popular, reputable online communities to implement attacks, evade detection and exploit the confidence that people have in such platforms,” he said.

Attackers were sometimes seen using QR codes, popular webmail services, and URL shorteners.

How to protect oneself

To stay protected from such threats, Barracuda recommends that email recipients exercise  caution when invited to click on links in unsolicited emails or messages from unknown senders. Other potential red flags include suspicious calls to action and unexpected or illogical landing sites from links they receive, such as a service that isn’t provided by Microsoft asking for Microsoft logins.