Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS), the BPO arm of the Hinduja Group unveiled their new global corporate identity today and the company intends to use the acronym “HGS” as its brand name. Dr. Partha DeSarkar, CEO, HGS said in a press release, “With 65 per cent of our global businesses being currently delivered from multiple entities outside of India, it was time for HGS to redefine its persona which is now global in nature.

The rebranding exercise helps us seamlessly integrate new ventures across geographies, while allowing customers to leverage a wider and diversified talent pool. This provides us with greater flexibility to benefit from operating efficiencies while helping clients retain their competitive edge”. The new logo which comes to effect immediately will be the sole company identity across all businesses world-over, going forward. The company also launched its new corporate website, www.teamhgs.com.