The US Citizenship and Immigration Services said in a press release that the H-1B visa application for FY24 will be open between March 1 and March 17. The results will be announced on March 31.

In order to apply for H-1B visa, an employer should register themselves with US Citizenship and Immigration Services(UCIS).

How to apply for H-1B visa
  • Click on the burger icon on the right corner of the page, and tap on Sign Up.
  • Enter the email address as required. You will receive a verification mail on the same email id.
  • Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
  • On the next page, create a strong password.
  • Choose your preferred Two-Step Verification Method.
  • You will get a backup/ reference code every time you want to sign into USCIS.
  • Next, you will be asked to Provide Password Reset Answers.
  • Select H-1B registrant from the list under Account Type.
  • Once you choose H-1B Registrations, you can start applying once they open for applications.