When you go out with friends or relatives and get stuck calculating each one’s contribution to dine-out, travel, and more, Splitwise can help you quickly sort out the trouble.

Splitwise is an app that tracks money records between people, tells you how much you owe a person, and settles the balances in the end.

Here’s few basic steps to use the Splitwise app
  • Head to Apple Store or Google Play Store to download the Splitwise app.
Splitwise on Apple App Store

Splitwise on Apple App Store | Photo Credit: -

  • Next, create a group via email or other contacts. Label the group name. This will allow all those people to view the group on Splitwise, add expenses of their own and track balances. Splitwise also lets you add “non-group expenses” for items that don’t deserve an entire group.
Add expenses to a group or non-group

Add expenses to a group or non-group

  • Once you have created the group, hit the “Add bill” button in the specific group.
  • Fill up the details about the expense - total cost, who paid, and how much each person should owe. You can upload the image and update the dates.
  • As soon as you hit “Save”, Splitwise will update the information for every other member.
Settle up the balance

Settle up the balance

  • After the expenses are added, you can settle the balances with your friends. Tap the “Settle up” button to settle up the Splitwise balance.