The iPhone 5 is out and the frenzy to see it, feel it and own it is well under way. But Apple’s not the only one looking to cash in when it hits the virtual store shelves this month. Fraudsters and Internet pirates across the globe are counting on the latest Apple frenzy to help line their pockets too, says McAfee.

McAfee has warned that online scammers are expected to be out in full force this month in anticipation of deal-seekers.

Gary Davis, Vice-President, Global Consumer Marketing, McAfee, warns that fraudsters will use the latest iPhone event to send out phishing scams and e-mails with infected links in an effort to extract credit card info and other personal details from unsuspecting consumers.

“When there is a major event like Black Friday, Cyber Money or a much-anticipated Apple product going on sale, it queues up the bad guys to take advantage of all the excitement,” Davis said in a press release issued by McAfee.

How to secure

There are, however, some simple tips to avoid getting scammed when going online to look for the new iPhone, according to Davis:

Go directly to the source. If you receive an e-mail referencing a great deal on the new iPhone, do not click the links in the e-mail but go directly to Apple’s URL and look for that same promotion.

Make sure your security software is updated with the latest patches and upgrades. That is your strongest protection and first line of defence against spyware and viruses.

Be wary of highly-discounted phones. iPhones have consistently been among the most sought-after devices since their release. Chances are you would not be seeing any legitimate “Buy 1, Get 1 Free” offers the first week these phones go on sale, the release said.
