IIMB’s Pulak Ghosh in UN Secretary-General’s Big Data initiative

Anil Raje Urs Updated - March 12, 2018 at 09:24 PM.

Dr Pulak Ghosh, Professor, Quantitative Methods and Information Systems Area, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, has been appointed as member of the Data Privacy Advisory Group of Global Pulse – the UN Secretary-General’s Big Data innovation initiative.

Professor Ghosh, the only expert from India, along with international experts, will advocate responsible use of Big Data for sustainable development and humanitarian action.

The Privacy Advisory Group will lend their expertise to inform the development of guidelines and practices that mitigate risks associated with privacy in the Big Data analytics field, while preserving utility for global development policy-planning or humanitarian action.

Robert Kirkpatrick, Director, UN Global Pulse, said: “Professor Ghosh with international leaders from public sector, civil society, private sector and the legal community, will participate in an ongoing privacy dialogue, provide feedback on proposed approaches and engage in a privacy outreach campaign.”

Published on October 10, 2014 14:08