The IIT Alumni Council has launched India Innovation Network (I2Net) to accelerate research on infectious diseases, primarily the Covid-19 pandemic.

I2Net would use Quantum technologies to process data 100 times faster than any other Indian supercomputer. The council will bring all the institutions of the India Innovation Network into one unified research and innovation ecosystem.

IIT Alumni Council will selectively align with innovator teams and incubators from highest-rated academic colleges, research institutions, incubators and industry research centres. This is to create an innovation ecosystem with access to over 30,000 PhDs and reaching millions of students and thousands of start-ups that can be on-boarded instantly.

I2Net will also create a petabit backbone and 40/400 GBPS local fibre loop to provide high bandwidth and low latency connectivity to infectious disease database maintained by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR IGIB).

“Proposed at the heart of i2Net is the world’s fastest educational network and the world’s largest supercomputer – both based on Quantum Technologies – created by tying together high performance Quantum Computers with a million laptops and a billion phones,” IIT Alumni Council President Ravi Sharma said.

“We propose to tie together the most eminent educational, technology, industry and research establishments in this initiative for synergising and accelerating innovation in areas like drug discovery, recombinant protein production and DNA studies,” Sharma, who is also the chairman of The Telecom Equipment Manufacturers' Association (TEMA), said.

The initiative will provide researchers access to massive quantum computing resources and Covid-19 patient database, and support drug discovery research for MegaTx by simulating folding proteins on the Quantum Network.

IIT Alumni Council is the largest global body of alumni, students and faculty across all the 23 IITs with over 100 city chapters globally.

“The first quantum computer network with quantum cryptography for security and accessible online through 40/400 Gbps loops will usher in a paradigm change and take India to the top of the technology tables almost overnight. This kind of computing power will provide a great impetus to computing-intensive areas like folded protein simulation, weather predictions and climate change modelling in addition to facilitating more tangible functionality such as high-quality video conferencing and virtual reality,” Arun Seth, a member of Quantum Task Force of IIT Alumni Council said.