Gmail, the first point of reference to most of the netizens, has just launched ‘Inbox’, which promises to be your personal secretary. It picks flight schedules from your mail to pop up an alert with real-time information. It can even tell you whether a service provider is open or not, taking a cue from your to-do list.

 “Inbox makes it easy to focus on your priorities by letting you add your own Reminders, from picking up the dry cleaning to giving your parents a call. No matter what you need to remember, your inbox becomes a centralized place to keep track of the things you need to get back to,” according to Sundar Pichai, Senior Vice-President, Android, Chrome and Apps.

It enhances the scope of the categorisation it made in the Gmail’s inbox. All your purchase receipts or bank statements are neatly grouped together so that you can quickly review and then swipe them out of the way.

Like it did with Gmail, digital media firm Google is offering this feature only on invitation for now. (You can send a request at  to get an invitation to get access to the new service.)

“We get more email now than ever, important information is buried inside messages, and our most important tasks can slip through the cracks-especially when we’re working on our phones. For many of us, dealing with email has become a daily chore that distracts from what we really need to do,” he said in Google blog, introducing the new service.