Indian companies recognise the compelling need for enterprise mobility adoption due to factors such as IT consumerisation and increased mobile device proliferation.

However, the potential is marred by inhibitors such as security and data breach, integration issues, regulatory compliance and high cost among others, according to a study on enterprise mobility adoption in India.

The report by Citrix in association with Zinnov analyses the current penetration of enterprise mobility solutions in Indian enterprises.

Though enterprise mobility use cases are fast emerging, less than 50 per cent of the enterprises today have defined enterprise mobility strategy of any form. It is increasingly being realised by the enterprises that defining a well-planned approach towards enterprise mobility deployments can gain maximum user acceptance, reduce time to ROI as well as mitigate security concerns.

“Increasingly, users across Indian organisations are demanding freedom to choose their own device, use any application at work, and have access to enterprise data from any place, any device, anytime. As a result, organisations need to redefine their mobility strategy to address user demand while meeting IT security and management requirements around the user, device, apps and data,” said Sanjay Deshmukh, Area Vice President, India Sub-continent at Citrix.

About 70 per cent technology stakeholders say that unified communications is a key driver for enterprise mobility. The second most valuable driver was increasing collaboration amongst employees, resonated by 60 per cent of technology and business stakeholders

About 97 per cent of respondents said that they have deployed corporate e-mail through enterprise mobility solutions.

The research was conducted with 130 IT and business stakeholders in 65 organisations across India.