As cybersecurity budgets remain stagnant, executives continue to underestimate the level of damage caused by cyber threats, according to a survey report by Cybersecurity firm Sophos.

The report, The Future of Cybersecurity in Asia Pacific and Japan, has been released in collaboration with Tech Research Asia (TRA).

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Even as the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the period of digitisation and has been a catalyst for improving cybersecurity, systemic security issues persist.

According to the report, organisations face multiple challenges in mitigating cyber threats.

For 94 per cent of Indian businesses, the biggest challenge to their security in the next 24 months will be the awareness and education of their employees and leadership.

Furthermore, 60 per cent of organisations are struggling to recruit new people with the cybersecurity skills they need. Cognizant of the current state of cybersecurity, the number of Indian organisations planning to appoint a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to lead their cybersecurity strategy will increase from 33 per cent today to 40 per cent in the next 24 months, as per the report.

Sunil Sharma, Managing Director – Sales, Sophos India and SAARC, said, “The scale of attacks over the last year has highlighted the need for highly skilled resources, which increases the pressure on organisations that are already struggling to hire talent with the right cybersecurity skills. To combat today’s sophisticated cyberattacks, organisations need next-generation cybersecurity solutions and highly skilled personnel to manage these solutions, carry out 24x7 threat hunting and detection, and response operations."

"Considering the pace at which attacks are increasing, this skills gap can be dangerous for the security of organisations. To address this gap, organisations need to invest in machine learning-enabled cybersecurity systems that automate certain tasks and reduce the workload of cybersecurity teams. Those organisations that don’t have in-house teams that can carry out 24x7 security operations can outsource their security to managed service providers and their threat hunting to a specialised managed threat response service,” Sharma added.

The report is based on the Sophos study of 900 business decision-makers across the Asia Pacific and Japan.