India ranks second highest in the world when it comes to ditching existing cell phone brands for more appealing alternatives. According to the data provided by YouGov, a British international internet-based market research and data analytics firm, 28 per cent of the surveyed Indians noted that they would be willing to switch their cell phone brands at the time of their next mobile phone purchase.

As per the report, the propensity of Indians to switch brands was second only to Indonesia, where 30 per cent of the participants surveyed gave this response. 

The report shows when it comes to cell phone renewal considerations, a third of urban Indians (33 per cent) plan to upgrade their cell phone with the same brand. The decision to stick to their current phone brand or switch to a new one is equally split, with nearly three in ten (28 per cent) planning to consider each option.

Contrasting data

This data contrasts the more developed, European, North American, or Australia markets where the propensity to switch cell phone brands is very low, between 8-11 per cent.

“Brand sticking tendencies are the highest among European markets like Germany, Poland, Spain and Britain (51-47 per cent). On average, two out of five consumers from Mexico, Canada, and the US are also likely to share the same sentiments (44-37 per cent). When it comes to upgrading phones with the same brand, Danes (43 per cent) are more likely to do so followed by Singaporeans and UAE consumers (39 per cent  each). 

Low brand loyalty

Explaining the contrasting trends between India and western markets Navkendar Singh, Associate Vice President, Client Services and IDPS, IDC India noted, “It is to be expected that there are lower levels of brand loyalty in India, especially given that Indians are exposed to a wider range of phone brands in comparison to the western markets. Indian market is dominated by mid-premium to lower mobile phone categories where differences between brands is very limited unlike premium phones. Therefore there is limited loyalty.”

In global markets, telecom operators tie up with smartphone makers to push specific brands to consumers. In the case of India, such partnerships between companies and handset makers are more limited and do not necessarily limit competition between smartphone brands.