If all goes well, Infosys' new energy efficient building in Pocharam in Hyderabad may inspire IIT Rajasthan to try out similar methodologies for its upcoming Jodhpur campus, which will go live in 2014.

Speaking to Business Line , Mr Vivek Vijay, Assistant Professor, IIT Rajasthan, said, “I can appreciate the work that they are doing.” He was cautiously optimistic because, as he put it, conditions in Jodhpur are different from Hyderabad.

On the administrative side, Prof Vijay will be the coordinator of faculty affairs and will be handling the centre of excellence for water resource management and allied technologies and will be responsible for lowering the usage of resources. He said that one of the goals of IIT Rajasthan was to ensure that the net water, energy and waste management are zero.

Discussing Infosys' green initiatives, Mr Rohan M Parikh, the Head of Green Initiatives at Infosys said that the width of the floor plate is restricted to 16 metres, and in tandem with the light panes, which bounce light deeper into the room. This ensures that the entire office is lit by the sun from 8 am to 5 pm. “The overall performance of this new building is 50 per cent better than any other building in similar climate zone,” he said.