Internet-for-all idea tops TiE contest for school children

KV Kurmanath Updated - December 07, 2021 at 01:45 AM.

Winners of TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TyE) Business Plan competition Keshav, Rishi Reddy, Neha Acharya, Yagna Aggarwal and Zayaan with (left) Safir Adeni, President TiE (Hyderabad).

Keshav, Rishi Reddy, Neha Acharya, Yagna Aggarwal and Zayaan, studing in classes 9 to 12, nurse a common dream – to build a solution for people who are not connected to the Internet yet. They feel all the benefits that the Internet offers must be available to those who are not Net natives yet.

Their idea, named Tich, has won a pat from the The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), the global body of entrepreneurs who made a difference in India and elsewhere. TheTiE Young Entrepreneurs (TyE - Hyderabad) Business Plan Competition was held at the Indian School of Business on Sunday where six teams drawn from different schools participated.

TICH, the young promoters argue, is not charity. They have a business model, too. While this solution opens a window for them on the web, the e-commerce channels are exposed to a whole new audience that are not covered as of now.

A group of experts vetted the proposals made by student ‘entrepreneurs’, liked the idea and picked them for the global competition to be held later. “Started two months ago, the programme is aimed at inculcating leadership skills and preparing them to build their own ventures,” Safir Adeni, President, TiE Hyderabad and Managing Partner of the Ineda Venture Group, said after the event.

The winning team will take part in the TyE Global Business Plan competition scheduled for June 2015, where similar teams from different regions would compete for a prize of $10,000.

Published on February 2, 2015 05:27