Demanding labour law cover for the IT industry in the backdrop of the recent ‘lay-offs’ in TCS, the IT Professionals Welfare Association (ITPWA) held a protest at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar here on Sunday.

“The IT industry directly employs around three million people and indirectly about 10 million indirectly. How can your government justify the exemptions given to the IT industry from essential labour laws,” said a leaflet by a group of protesting members.

To protect employee rights, the ITPWA said the IT industry should also be made to give “proper notice” to employees and government authorities, as stipulated by the various labour laws in the country.

The protest follows the recent reports of increasing number of retrenchments in the IT Sector which the association said is a serious concern. The association said some companies are also firming up plans for lay-offs through “structural transformation” and “workforce optimisation.”