OpenAI’s Chief Executive Officer, Sam Altman, on Wednesday said he was impressed by what the Indian government was doing in terms of its own national tech/assets, but added that the focus should also be on finding how this technology can be integrated with other services.

“It’s super impressive to see what India has done, I think in a way that really no other country has, sorts of saying ‘we’re going to do national technology really well and make it a little like a national asset in terms of AI strategy’. I think there’s like a lot of things that can work. But this question of AI serenity, none of us have an answer to yet... it’s going to be important,” he said at an event organised by the Economic Times.

Also read: ‘AI and ChatGPT are potential game changers in hospitality’

Research effort

On being asked if India should have its own large language model (LLM), he said it is important to have research effort. “There should be AI research efforts for building ground up for LLMs or pursuing new research directions or finetune open-source projects. Publicly-funded AI effort feels like a good idea,” said Altman. He is also scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday.

“...I think it is important figuring out how to integrate these technologies into other services... Hopefully, we all start to use LLMs to make government services way better... like how do I enrol in this programme to like, how do I get better healthcare?” Altman said.

Also read: OpenAI exploring collective decisions on AI, like Wikipedia entries

Talking about training ChatGPT for multi-lingual markets like India, he said GPT 3.5 or 4 is pretty good with top 100 languages and “we will be able to push this much further.”

On asked if AI will make manpower redundant, Altman said, “To some extent yes. Every tech revolution leads to job change and this will be no exception... some jobs will go away but there will be new better jobs. It’s difficult to imagine as we sit here today. The thing that might be different about this is the speed at which it will happen. It will require a change to the socio-economic contract and the way governments think about this if it happens at a fast pace.”