Last is yet to be heard on the latest telecom war, with the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on Monday asking all the service providers to give call details of last five days (September 15-19) to assess the instances of call drops.

TRAI, which had recently asked the operators to resolve the issues around point of interconnections (PoIs) or calls failure to latest entrant Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio), the authority had step in as consumers continued to suffer because of calls drops.

“We have decided to ask all the operators to share their call details in next couple of days so that we can see at what point of interconnection a call failed. We have asked for the details of calls made in five days – September 15-19,” RS Sharma, Chairman, TRAI, told BusinessLine over a call.

Based on the data received, further action could be finalised or TRAI may discuss the issues again with the operators to resolve as TRAI’s basic job is to protect customer interests. According to TRAI’s regulations, there should not be more than five call drops, out of 1,000 calls.

When asked about any action be taken if the incumbent operators are not following to the norms or failing to give PoIs, Sharma said that “There are many regulations under various TRAI regulations...I can't specify any action as of now.”

The blame-game on issue of PoIs has risen since the Mukesh Ambani-owned Jio launched on September 5. And, in the latest allegation on Sunday, it had blamed that there are over two-crore call drops on Airtel network, to which Sunil Mittal-owned Airtel refuted saying it has already released additional PoIs to serve over 15 million customers.

“In addition, call drops or the lack of VoLTE stabilisation should not be hidden behind the issue of POIs, which are being augmented at regular and quick intervals,” Airtel had said on Sunday in a statement.