The job scenario in the country is looking up. Monster Employment Index, which picks trends in 27 important sectors, sees annual growth rate of 9 per cent in June.

Oil-gas-petroleum and media and entertainment sectors witnessed a growth of 32 per cent each.

But there is some bad news. “Nineteen out of 27 industry sectors registered growth. However, production and manufacturing sectors showed a steep decline of 16 per cent. Banking, financial services and insurance (or BFSI) sector also saw a decline of 7 per cent,” Mr Sanjay Modi, Managing Director (India, the Gulf, South-East Asia) of, said.

The index picks trends in employment listings in key industrial segments.

The demand for senior management professionals went up 22 per cent, while listings in customer service declined 6 per cent.

IT (hardware and software) sector witnessed a growth of 27 per cent.