Karnataka Department of Information Technology (IT) and Biotechnology (BT) entered into a memorandum of understanding with the Embassy of Finland in Bengaluru.

The innovation cooperation between Karnataka and Finland, called Karnataka–Finland Innovation Corridor, offers a virtual platform facilitating the exchange of information and expertise in the fields of science, research, innovation and skill development.

Joint projects

Karnataka–Finland Innovation Corridor envisions identifying mutual interests and organising joint projects, such as start-up incubation programmes, research programmes, events, competitions and exposure visits.

Karnataka-based i-Samarth programme, initiated by Nokia, will act as an informal focal point for IoT-related Indian and Finnish companies to collaborate in the fields of research and development (R&D) and innovation. Further, to meet the growing demand for quality human capital in technology, Karnataka and Finland plan to organise suitable skill development programmes.

As per the MoU, a high-level steering committee, constituted to oversee the pace and progress of the Karnataka–Finland Innovation Corridor, will meet at least once in six months. This committee will be co-chaired by the signatory participants of the MoU, Priyank Kharge, Karnataka Minister of IT, BT & Tourism, and Nina Vaskunlahti, Ambassador of Finland to India.

The Principal Secretary of the Department of IT & BT and the Counsellor (Economic & Commercial) from the Embassy of Finland in New Delhi will be the secretaries of the steering committee.

‘New age in collaboration’

Speaking after the MoU signing, Kharge, said, “The Karnataka–Finland Innovation Corridor heralds a new age of collaboration and knowledge sharing between the two regions.”

Ambassador Vaskunlahti said, “With this MoU, we wish to develop and intensify our mutually beneficial cooperation with Karnataka in the fields of innovation, science and research, and skill development.”