The Moscow-based Internet security solutions firm Kaspersky Lab has launched Pure 2.0 version for home users. It comes with password-security-related features, encryption capabilities, secure vaults and backup and parental control.

The company said it used cloud technologies and proactive protection methods to address the complex, ever-evolving threats, apart from providing some updated features from its earlier versions.

The new version provides an isolated virtual environment to launch suspicious programmes and visit unknown websites to test them before opening them on your computer.

It also comprises a feature called System Watcher, which closely monitors the behaviour of programmes running on a system.

“If a programme performs a malicious action, System Watcher shuts it down and changes it has made to the system are rolled back,” the company said here in a statement on Monday,’’ it said. 

It also includes an URL Advisor, which is built into browser toolbars. “It flags links to infected or fraudulent (phishing) resources using a colour indicator within search engine results,” it said.