Spotwave Wireless, Canada, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bangalore-based Kavveri Telecom Products Ltd, has secured the approval of the Federal Communication Commission, Canada, for its product, In-building solution Repeaters.

The 4G technology-based product was designed and developed by Spotwave Wireless.

Kavveri Telecom has been positioning itself as a large player in the in-building solutions space. In-Building Solution refers to the technology used for making sure that the mobile signals are not lost within buildings, particularly in areas like the basement and higher floors. IBS technology distributes the signal within the building to ensure that there are no call drops.

Kavveri Telecom has products for this space, but also offers IBS as a service. In its Web site, citing a forecast of Global Mobile Data, the company says that in 2011-14, mobile data will increase 108 per cent and 85 per cent of data and 70 per cent of voice traffic will be in-building.

Even in India there is a big market for IBS, says Kavveri. “Increasing data usage within buildings due to 3G, BWA and 4G, which due to their high frequency bandwidth, cannot penetrate buildings easily,” will provide a big opportunity says the company in a presentation.

Terming this as “a huge achievement”, the BSE-listed Kavveri Telecom said in an announcement today that this approval will pave the way for selling this product across telecom networks in the North American market.

Kavveri Telecom manufactures a range of telecom products and in 2011-12, the company achieved a turnover of Rs 334 crore, on which it made a net profit of Rs 41.23 crore.

On the BSE, the Kavveri Telecom share is currently trading at Rs 216.