Keste, the Dallas (US) based Oracle solutions firm, will invest $2.5 million at the development centre here and double the workforce to 150 from the present 75 in the next 15 months.

At present, the company has 210 employees with 140 staff working out of its development centre in the US.

“We are planning to focus on South Asian and the Gulf markets from the Indian Development Centre. We are keen on the Indian market too,” Mr Howard Moore, President and Chief Executive Officer of Keste, said.

Mr Sri Mereddy, Director of Keste’s IDC here, told presspersons that the company was planning to double the India client base to 20 this year.

The firm, which registered a turnover of $27 million last year, has targeted to reach $30-million mark, with Indian contribution increasing to $2 m from $1.5 million.