On Tuesday, Mahindra Satyam has inducted 300 freshers hired from campuses in the first five months of 2011, giving fresh hopes to hundreds of candidates whose date of joinings have been deferred.

“We will honour all the offer letters. Only, we will take them in batches like these in the next few months. We have already inducted a few hundreds earlier this financial year,” a top company executive told Business Line , requesting anonymity.

With the company choosing to keep mum on fresh dates for joining, those received offer letters are at a loss what to do and making frantic calls and sending mails to the human resources department of the company. The official, however, not committal on the plan to induct the new recruits.

The company, which postponed salary hikes to the third quarter, has also decided to put off new inductions in order to reduce personnel costs and minimise the bench strength. The company, which resumed campus hiring after two years, picked 5,000 students.

A company representative said they had won a $5-million contract from EMC, an US company. He, however, refused to give details.