Meta on Monday introduced its new AI supercomputer, the AI Research SuperCluster (RSC), which it says will be the world’s fastest AI supercomputer once fully built out in mid-2022. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been central to tech giants, including Meta.

“AI can currently perform tasks like translating text between languages and helping identify potentially harmful content, but developing the next generation of AI will require powerful supercomputers capable of quintillions of operations per second,” Meta said in a blog post.

“RSC will help Meta’s AI researchers build better AI models that can learn from trillions of examples; work across hundreds of different languages; seamlessly analyse text, images and video together; develop new augmented reality tools and more,” it added.

Bullish on the metaverse, the supercomputer’s work is meant to pave a way for experiences in the metaverse.

“Ultimately, the work done with RSC will pave the way toward building technologies for the next major computing platform — the metaverse, where AI-driven applications and products will play an important role,” it said.

Leveraging AI

The company has made various developments in AI since 2013, including self-supervised learning. 

“To fully realize the benefits of advanced AI, various domains, whether vision, speech, language, will require training increasingly large and complex models,” it said.

AI is also used for “critical use cases” such as weeding out harmful content on the platform.

“In early 2020, we decided the best way to accelerate progress was to design a new computing infrastructure — RSC,” it further said.

The social media giant further detailed its plans to leverage its AI supercomputer to build for the metaverse.

“With RSC, we can more quickly train models that use multimodal signals to determine whether an action, sound or image is harmful or benign. This research will not only help keep people safe on our services today, but also in the future, as we build for the metaverse,” it said.

“As RSC moves into its next phase, we plan for it to grow bigger and more powerful, as we begin laying the groundwork for the metaverse,” it added.