Microsoft Devices on Tuesday said it has started transition of Nokia branded outlets to Microsoft.

To begin, the first-ever 'Microsoft Priority Reseller Store' in the world was opened at Ambience Mall-Gurgaon.

The company has around 16,000 retail outlets globally, out of which around 9,000 stores are in India. Out of the total number in India, 441 outlets will get a completely new design, while the remaining stores will be refreshed with new signage by the end of June.

"This retail transition not just marks the beginning of a new era for the current Nokia stores, but is also a step for the Microsoft brand in terms of scaling up its retail footprint," Chris Weber, Corporate Vice President - Microsoft Mobile Device Sales, told reporters here.

With the new look, Microsoft will also introduce a new nomenclature for the retail outlets.

The branded retail stores will be called 'Microsoft Priority Reseller Store', while the value and experience stores will be known as 'Microsoft Mobile Reseller Stores'.