Kochi-based technology business incubator (TBI) company MindHelix Technologies has launched Sentinel, a smartphone application which will help in improving security, especially for women.

The company claims that the application is the world’s first such smartphone application, which aims to enhance security.

The free application could send instant alerts in case of danger. It works in multiple scenarios even without triggering an alert manually, a company press release here said.

A forced power off of the phone or an improper exit of application would trigger an alert to be sent. Prolonged signal loss would also cause a failsafe alert SMS and email to be sent from the company’s server.

Sentinel can also send email and SMS alerts to multiple pre-configured numbers. The alerts consist of the last known location, direction of travel and details like mode of transport and vehicle number that the traveller can enter. The application runs on smartphones with Android, Blackberry, Symbian, iPhone and Java operating systems, the application can be downloaded from http://sentinel.mindhelix.com/.

The application was created keeping urban women in mind and it depends on the availability of continuous cellular connectivity (within cities), the MindHelix Technologies LLP Co-Founder & CEO, Mr Christin Emmanuel George, said.

With security being a major concern and attacks on citizens being more common than ever, Sentinel can provide an extra blanket of security enabling quick alerts while facing threats, he added.