has launched TalentBin to identify “unfindable” talent using a stock of information and web-based recruiting tools. The candidates’ activities on social websites are monitored. According to the survey by, 68 per cent of the respondents felt it is extremely difficult or at least difficult to hire talent for niche skills, while merely 17 per cent said it is easy.

TalentBin identifies potential candidates by assembling their profiles from Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. By making sense of the candidate’s social activity and compiling those details into a professional profile – complete with contact information – recruiters can find previously undiscoverable candidates.

“Technical talent is notoriously difficult to recruit. Many are not active job seekers, which makes them ‘unfindable’. However, relevant talent is spending time online and leaving its footprints, demonstrating the professional skills that make them desirable candidates,” Sanjay Modi, Managing Director, (India/Middle East/Southeast Asia/Hong Kong) said.