The National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) has commenced the third phase of its 10k start-up programme.

The industry body, which started this programme in March last year, received applications from around 7,000 start-ups all over the country, out of which 125 of them got the benefits of funding, mentoring, co-working space and connects to different accelator programmes, Nasscom officials said.

The third phase will involve invitation to more start-up companies to participate in this programme.

Further, Nasscom has also launched a technology start-up registry, which will act as a database for anybody interested in finding out start-ups in the mobile, Web, e-commerce, SaaS and other technology areas, according to Ravi Gururaj, Chairman, Nasscom Product Conclave.

This programme aims to incubate, fund and mentor start-ups in the next ten years. While Nasscom has been running such entrepreneurial activities in the past, this time it has sought to involve all the stakeholders – from venture capitalists to product companies who can help foster the Indian start-up ecosystem.