India has the fourth largest start-up ecosystem after the US, UK and Israel. However, if the current trend continues, within a year or two, India will be second after the US. That’s the level of enthusiasm and hunger among start up entrepreneurs to do ‘something different.’ This is very encouraging for the information technology industry, said R Chandrasekaran, Chairman, Nasscom.

At Nasscom, two years ago a vision was set to have 10,000 start-ups by 2020 . But the way it is growing, "we will have 10,000 start ups by 2017 or even earlier." That is the level of enthusiasm that young entrepreneurs entering the industry have.

“We have 3,100 start-ups at various stages of evolution. India is becoming an innovation destination, and that’s how we are trying to rebrand the whole industry,” he said at the Nasscom Product Conclave.

Creating a start-up is not a problem anymore. There is market need, talent and government support. “If you have the right idea, you should be bold enough to start on your own and be successful because the stars are well aligned to support the start up ecosystem,” he said.