IT industry body Nasscom is organising a webinar series on Product Management Career Path.

The next webinar in the series will be held on Thursday, November 19 from 2.30 to 3.30 pm. The webinar will be on Introduction to Product Management role and expectations, and how a Product Management career path looks like.

The webinar will be conducted by Suman Chittimuri, Director of Product Management, Microsoft.

The session will cover the following topics

1. What is the importance of Product Management

2. What are expectations from a product manager

3. What are typical activities that a product manager spends time on

4. Walkthrough of Product Management Triad

5. Types of Product Management industry

6. Soft skills vs Hard skills

7. Career Path of a product manager

Nasscom says the webinar will help aspiring and seasoned product manager understand the expectations from a product manager, soft and hard skills needed to excel in the role and how to plan their career

Participants can register using the link here.