Google has introduced a new Gmail inbox with customisable tabs that help users see what’s new at a glance and decide which emails to read and when.

In the new Gmail inbox, which is easy to customise, one can choose from five optional tabs: primary, social, promotions, updates and forums. A person can choose to use categories as inbox tabs, and as labels. These categories make it easy to focus on messages that are important and read messages of the same type all at once.

For example, when a person receives a new mail, he/she will see an indicator in each tab that tells how many new messages have been received since last checked in that tab. The person will also see a few of the recent senders listed below the category name.

The new inbox is also available in Gmail’s official mobile apps on Android 4.0+ devices, iPhone and iPad.

Messages are automatically categorised into the following optional tabs:

Primary - Messages from friends and family, and any other messages that do not appear in other tabs.

Promotions - deals, offers, and other promotional emails.

Social - Messages from social networks like Facebook or Twitter, media-sharing sites, online dating services, gaming platforms, and other social Web sites.

Updates - Notifications such as confirmations, receipts, bills and statements.

Forums - Messages from online groups, discussion boards, and mailing lists.