The newest version of Apple’s Mac OS X operating system is now available for free download from .

Code-named Mavericks, it improves cooperation between iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads.

For example the electronic library iBook and Apple’s Maps are now available for Macs and MacBooks. Users can send planned routes to their tablet or smartphone and ebooks are automatically synchronised between all devices.

Another improvement is that the Keychain feature stores passwords, credit-card details and other sensitive information securely in the cloud so that it can be retrieved on multiple devices.

The Finder window that displays files has also been revamped so that it now has tabs like a browser, allowing users to switch easily between several open folders. Files can now be given tags to order them into different groups such as “Work” or “Family.” Apple’s Safari browser has also been overhauled to be faster and to use less battery power. It’s also easier to organise favourite websites.