There are many who find Twitter's 140 character restriction irritating. And not all our thoughts and opinions can be contained within the 140 characters. There are ways around it, but they are clumsy and more irritating.

One way around it is to number each tweet - a painful exercise itself. But the Chennai-based NFN Labs has come to our rescue with an app that will do the splitting for us, and allow us to concentrate on our monologue.

Called Stormit, the app splits long-winded tweets into multiple tweets (yes, tweetstorm - you now know why they have named it so). More importantly, Tweetstorm also numbers them, so that our followers don't go mad 'connecting' our ramblings, and also helpfully offers two styles to do it. The app also has an archiving feature.

Some founding members of NFN Labs said why they developed the app: “We are heavy Twitter users ourselves, sometimes 140 characters may not do justice to what we have to say. Storm It is just an fix to solve that problem. We use it with caution though - and the hope is that others do too, unless they want to get blocked”.

John Legere, CEO of T-Mobile USA looked excited about it when he tweeted: "Wait… there’s an app that will craft a #tweetstorm for me?! Watch out, twitter!! #stormit"

The app also got featured in Gizmodo's top apps.

Click here to download Stormit