Even as the deal between Devas Multimedia and Antrix has come under the scanner, the former says that it is on course for a launch this year.

Dr M.G. Chandrasekhar, Chairman, Devas Multimedia, told Business Line : “I've not heard anything about any investigation against us or any move to cancel the contract between Devas and ISRO. We're working towards launching the service as soon as we can. There's no change in our plans.”

Mr Chandrasekhar added that some rivals were trying to make it appear that there was some irregularity involved. “We've been in discussions with ISRO since 2003 when no one had even thought about it,” he contended.

“We took the risk, invested in developing the technology and products. Our objective is to reach broadband services to rural areas through innovative technology. Lobby groups are working against us.”

Meanwhile, informed sources said that the company has approached ISRO with an alternative plan to get GSAT 6 launched by Arianespace.

Originally, the satellite was to have been launched from India. But delays are putting pressure on the company. It is learnt that Devas Multimedia has agreed to use only 35 Mhz of spectrum instead of 70-80 Mhz under the earlier agreement.