Now, pick a candidate with just a click

Updated - January 09, 2018 at 06:49 PM.

Automation is making it easy to fit an applicant to a job profile


Automation has made the job of identifying candidates within the company or outside fitting a particular work profile a lot easier.

An applicant simply loads a resume on to a company’s system and an automated recruitment tool sorts, filters and classifies the profile. HR personnel simply have to use the right search word to find the right person.

Many companies effectively use the automated recruitment search tool. Consider this: As part of a re-skilling programme, over two lakh employees in a large IT company have acquired competency in digital technology. The data on each’s specialisation and marks scored are available across the company.

If a team leader wants a DevOps specialist for a project in the US, all it takes is a click of a button to locate the right person for the job. Earlier, this process would take a few days, said sources.

Automation of repetitive tasks such as screening candidates allows recruiters to save on time while realigning their priorities to engage with those shortlisted. Matching the best talent with the right job is an even bigger challenge, said Sudeep Sen, Vice-President, TeamLease Service, a recruitment company.

Krishna GV Giri, Chairman and CEO, Adrenalin eSystems Ltd, said candidates expect fast response and transparency. Adrenalin’s recruitment platform integrates both internal and external systems and the company’s top management gets analytics like the speed, cost and the efficiency of hiring on a dashboard for a deeper understanding and intervention, he said. Harishankar Karunanidhi, CTO and Co-Founder, HackerRank, a technology recruitment platform, said that for a long time the process of hiring had a linear approach — source a candidate, screen her followed by interviews. This was time consuming. However, technology tools are unbiased and adopt a skills-centric approach to assessing candidates. Automating the recruitment process right from job posting, matching, assessing and to onboarding is continuously evolving, he said.

Published on August 16, 2017 17:37