OpenAI introduced custom instructions, a new feature currently available in Beta for Plus users, with plans to extend it to all users in the near future. Custom instructions offer ChatGPT users the ability to personalise their interactions by sharing specific preferences to be considered in the AI’s responses.

The feature allows users to provide instructions on various aspects, including the desired tone (formal or casual), preferred response length, addressing preferences, and whether ChatGPT should express opinions on topics or remain neutral. These instructions will be incorporated into future conversations to deliver a more tailored and user-friendly experience.

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OpenAI highlights the privacy issue and assures users that it will not share their custom instructions with shared link viewers. Users must take care when utilising third-party plug-ins, though, as the model might give plug-in developers relevant data from the instructions. OpenAI advises users to use reliable plug-ins and refrain from disclosing private information. Additionally, OpenAI will enhance ChatGPT’s performance by using data from custom instructions, enabling the model to more successfully adapt its responses to user instructions without going overboard.

To enable custom instructions, Plus users can access the feature in their account settings for both iOS and web versions. This feature is not available in UK or EU.  OpenAI strives for an optimized user experience, giving users more control and customization options to make their interactions with ChatGPT even more productive and enjoyable.