Cloud computing is big. It’s being leveraged by multi-billion dollar companies and it’s creating some too. However, it doesn’t take away the fact that you can get your grandmom to use it to her benefit too! Here are some simple ways to get on to the Cloud to make your life simpler.

Memory trunk

We all have those shelves full of old family albums which we rummage through every once in a while. Our children will have none. All the photos that we now capture are in digital form and you can save them digitally forever with services such as Dropbox or Google+ Photos. If you use an Android phone, some of these will get saved automatically. You have thee freedom to share these photos online with whoever you want, once you’ve uploaded them. And the best part is you never have to worry about them fading or you misplacing your favourite ones.

Tip – If you have a wedding in the family, you can crowdsource snaps from everyone who attended and store them on the cloud.

Team work

If you and a colleague or two are working on a presentation, use services such as Google Drive or SkyDrive for some real-time collaboration. All of you can type and edit the same document simultaneously and all changes will be saved in real-time. No more mini heart attacks when Microsoft Word suddenly crashes.

Tip – Within Google Drive, you can engage in a chat with your colleagues on the same page that you are working on.

Drop the music

One way to make sure you never lose your favourite playlists is saving them on the computer. Another is to create a playlist online and just stream it from a service such as Grooveshark instead of storing files from your device. Services such as 8tracks let you curate your own playlists and share it with the world. At the same times, it gives you access to a virtually endless playlist, which would be impossible to accommodate on a physical hard drive.

Tip – Services such as Musicovery let you listen to songs on the Cloud based on your mood - energetic, calm, positive or dark.