Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the Digital India programme today in the presence of more than 10,000 people, including 400 corporate heads.

The programme aims at inclusive growth in areas of electronics services, products, manufacturing and job opportunities, and to transform India into a digitally empowered society.

The programme has been conceptualised and coordinated by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology in collaboration with various Central Ministries/Departments and State governments.

Industry captains including Mukesh Ambani, Cyrus Mistry, Sunil Mittal, Anil Ambani, Anil Agarwal and Azim Premji, as well as global heads like Peter Gutsmeidl, CEO Airbus; and Ping Cheng, CEO Delta Electronics are expected to attend the launch. Some of them will be sharing the dais with the Prime Minister to showcase initiatives taken by them as part of the programme. According to government sources, students from various schools and universities have been invited by the Prime Minister to watch the ‘show’.

There will be ‘Live’ demonstrations of some of the services and apps by Modi. Screening of a small film — ‘Digital India’ — will also be part of the event, apart from the Prime Minister releasing policy documents and unveiling the Digital India logo.

Starting Wednesday, the whole week will also be celebrated as ‘Digital India Week’, when various road-shows and education trips will be organised to promote the importance of various services.

The government expects to achieve the vision of Digital India, which is centred on three key areas — Digital Infrastructure as a utility for every citizen, Governance and Services on demand, and Digital empowerment of citizens.