Publicis Sapient, a digital consulting company, is keen on the opportunities that newer technologies like conversational AI and metaverse provide to create more value for organisations said, Sanjay Menon, Managing Director, Publicis Sapient India. 

Menon told businessline, “There is a lot of conversation around the Metaverse, the progress that AI is making, and Web 3, among others, the application of which is also evolving from a business standpoint. We are quite excited about the role that these technologies will play as you create more and more digital touchpoints for consumers.” 

Technology creates more opportunities and when technology marries experience, it either removes friction in interaction with consumers or creates more value, he added. 

SPEED matters

The viral use of ChatGPT has made it exciting to see where Conversational AI can go. This unlocks opportunities for how brands can now in a more personalized and contextual way, create more value for their consumers. Hence, it is about creating and leveraging technology that can create value in a particular context, and the company is constantly assessing these possibilities, he said.

Publicis Sapient will focus on creating value with newer technologies with their SPEED (strategy, product, experience, engineering, and data) capabilities. 

Menon said that even amidst uncertain macroeconomic conditions, digital is going to continue to be a massive deflationary lever.

“There is definitely a lot of uncertainty, every executive is looking for things that are going to be deflationary from a cost standpoint. Companies in North America and Europe region, are looking to figure out what are the levers to grow revenue or reduce cost which then helps protect the bottom line and I think digital is by far the biggest deflationary lever,” he opined. 

The company is cautiously optimistic and will continue to scan the marketplace. Publicis Sapient is seeing a need among clients to have a partnership that helps them navigate and create more deflationary forces for their business, Menon said.