File-less malware attacks have emerged as a key threat in the first half of 2024. This malware hijacks legitimate system administration tools and processes to infiltrate the target systems. They are undetected and invisible to conventional antivirus scans.

Another dangerous trend noticed in the first half is the rise of deepfake technology, which generates realistic-looking but completely fake audio, images, and videos. These are being weaponised to spread disinformation, smear individuals and organisations, and conduct financial fraud.

Deep fake incidents are already roiling the political landscape and generating celebrity scandals.

“The viruses and malware emerging in 2024 are some of the most advanced and insidious that the country has ever encountered. Cybercriminals are leveraging cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and file-less attacks to create new threats capable of bypassing traditional cybersecurity defenses,” c Quick Heal said.

“The democratisation of ransomware through user-friendly ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) offerings has also significantly lowered the barrier to entry, fueling an onslaught of ransomware attacks in 2024 that cripple businesses and individuals by encrypting data until ransom payments are made,” it said.

The proliferation of insecure internet-connected smart devices has provided a wealth of new vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit, compromising IoT products into botnets to launch devastating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

“Complacency is not an option in 2024’s rapidly evolving threat environment. End users and enterprises must take proactive steps to harden their cybersecurity posture and implement multi-layered defenses,” a Quick Heal spokesperson said.

“In addition to robust cybersecurity solutions, individuals and enterprises must adopt proactive measures to strengthen their defences. Organisations need to keep their software and operating systems up to date,” he said.

They should also use strong passwords and deploy multi-factor authentication to provide an extra layer of security, as they should also back up their data periodically.