Reliance Group’s new business venture Unlimit on Thursday launched an IoT (Internet of Things) platform aimed at the enterprise users.

Using Unlimit’s services, businesses will be able to connect any device over any network and manage, monitor and store asset data. Unlimit aims to provide a common platform for vertical industries such as automation, healthcare, agriculture, financial services and asset tracking.

Businesses will be able to configure their own IoT solutions to meet their needs and maximise their output and can even develop their own IoT app in a ‘few minutes’, said Jurgen Hase, CEO - Unlimit. The costing of the service, however, will vary user to user.

Capitalising on the predicted growth of the IoT at a CAGR of 28 per cent over the next five years and keeping in mind the potential of the Indian market where the number of IoT-enabled devices is predicted to rise from 200 million today to roughly 3 billion by 2020, Hase said that he expected Unlimit to achieve ‘double digit growth’.

Hase stressed that the penetration of services provided by Unlimit will increase productivity, reduce downtime, and improve predictive inventory control thereby increasing operational efficiency by 40 per cent.

Unlimit has partnered with Germany-based Cumulocity for this venture.