Riding the Pokemon wave: Auto aggregator Jugnoo integrates app with mobile game

Updated - January 17, 2018 at 01:59 PM.

Men play the augmented reality mobile game "Pokemon Go" by Nintendo on their mobile phones as they walk at a busy crossing in Shibuya district in Tokyo. -- Reuters

Cashing in on the Pokemon Go craze, auto aggregator Jugnoo has integrated its app with the world's most popular mobile game.

The updated app, which lets people book a nearby autorickshaw, will now also show all Pokestops and Gyms that form essential elements of the Pokemon Go game.

Pokemon Go requires users to walk or drive to these Pokestops and Gyms in order to hunt Pokemon characters. Jugnoo is offering its app as a safer alternative to driving and playing by letting users take an auto to these Pokestops, which would be visible in the Jugnoo app as well.

The integration corresponds to the advisory issued by the game developer Niantic Labs: "Do not drive and play Pokemon Go". Most governments around the world have issued a similar advisory in the public interest, Jugnoo said in a statement.

“Pokemon Go is trending across the world and the nexus that we identified between our brand and the game is that both have to do with travelling or being on the move. The game can only be played while on the go and doing so, while driving, could be risky. We saw an opportunity in this and realised that playing it in an auto could be fun. Therefore, we decided to help our users play Pokemon Go while riding in Jugnoo. Our latest update will show all the Pokestops and Gyms in the city, which will help users plan their Jugnoo ride while playing Pokemon Go," said Samar Singla, Founder and CEO, Jugnoo.

Users get a button to enable/ disable Pokemons on their profile page; if enabled, the user would see PokeStops and PokeGym on the map. Further, if a user has the game installed in his/ her Android phone, their Pokemon mode would be enabled by default. Users can see PokeStops and PokeGyms on the map and they could accordingly plan the ride to collect the maximum Pokeballs during their Jugnoo ride.

Published on August 5, 2016 10:52